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Labor Force Numbers
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.6%

  • Labor Force: 44,243

  • Employed: 43,111

  • $50,543 average annual wages

  • $24.29 average hourly wage

Barrow County Labor Force

工作基础学习计划为皇冠官方网站APP县的学生提供了实践经验 YOUR company.

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皇冠官方网站APP县的新企业和正在扩大的企业可能有资格为员工提供免费的就业前和就业后培训 Georgia’s Quick Start program, consistently recognized in the top three of training programs in the U.S.

  • 就业前培训可通过拉尼尔技术学院管理的行业特定证书课程进行.

  • 通过快速入门计划进行的离职后培训是根据公司的具体需求定制的. 这个过程包括对公司内部的工作进行培训需求分析, developing a detailed training plan, and finally, conducting the training.

Quick Start also operates Georgia's BioScience Training Center, only a 35-minute drive from Barrow County. 该中心作为格鲁吉亚第一个独立的设施,致力于为生命科学领域的公司提供定制的皇冠官方网站APP培训.

快速入门涵盖两个全面的领域:制造和分销以及服务/后台培训. 快速启动的设计是灵活的,并立即响应每个公司的需求. 培训可以在公司的皇冠官方网站APP县工厂进行,也可以在快速入门安排的地点进行. The training schedules are also very flexible.


Preparing our workforce for today...and tomorrow!

In 2015, the innovative $16 million Lanier Technical College campus in Winder, Barrow County, opened its doors, annually educating over 1,000 students. As a key component of the Technical College System of Georgia, Lanier Technical College is dedicated to training students for future-ready jobs, especially in the burgeoning bioscience industry. The college boasts a diverse range of programs, including welding, drafting, medical assisting, mechatronics, automotive technology, building automation technology, nursing, and more, catering to the evolving needs of the industry.

由著名的南方学院和学校协会学院委员会认证, Lanier Technical College ensures a high standard of education, equipping students with the skills required for success in the workforce. This campus is not just an educational institution; it's a launchpad for careers in high-demand sectors, making Barrow County a critical hub for talent development in Georgia.

Lanier Tech.png

Barrow County Schools, powered by Peachnet's high-speed fiber network, delivers unparalleled Internet access services, facilitating a revolutionary educational environment. Established by the State Board of Regents, Peachnet caters exclusively to education and research, 确保皇冠官方网站APP县的教育机构能够满足当今数字化的需求.

Through this advanced connectivity, 皇冠官方网站APP县的学校与乔治亚州的顶尖大学合作,启动了K-12的外展项目, reinforcing a long-term commitment to cultivating a knowledge-based workforce.

Recognized as a National K-12 Research District, 皇冠官方网站APP县的学校与佐治亚州立大学等知名机构建立了直接探索合作关系, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Georgia. 这些联盟利用因特网2广泛的网络功能来整合来自不同领域的专家, including biomedical, industrial, and nanotechnology, 通过高清视频会议和远程接入技术进入教室.

学校系统对职业发展的关注在其全面的课程中显而易见. 皇冠官方网站APP县的高中生可以走上生物技术研究与开发职业道路, 利用拉尼尔技术学院皇冠官方网站APP校区的双招生机会. Furthermore, 以生物科学技术应用科学副学士学位为目标的学生将受益于地区大学的无缝学分转换系统. Barrow County Schools' Industry Certified programs, endorsed for their exceptional quality by business and industry leaders, signify the highest standard of educational excellence, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the future workforce.


In Fall 2020, 皇冠官方网站APP县学校系统自豪地推出了皇冠官方网站APP艺术与科学学院(BASA), a groundbreaking addition to its educational offerings. As a choice school for any resident of Barrow County, BASA represents a significant leap forward in personalized education, 为学生提供量身定制的学习体验,旨在为他们在培育和安全的环境中为大学和职业道路做好准备.

BASA stands out with its magnet academies in Visual Art and Design, Performing Arts, Life and Health Science, and STEM, catering to students with specific passions and ambitions. These academies provide an immersive educational experience, 让学生深入钻研他们所选择的领域与他们的学术研究. Additionally, 创新学院为学生提供了一个独特的机会,通过结合BASA的途径来定制他们的教育, Sims Academy, and Lanier Technical College, fostering an interdisciplinary approach to learning.

For instance, 对音乐业务感兴趣的学生可能会发现,他们将BASA的学术和音乐课程与Sims Academy的市场营销课程和Lanier Technical College的商业课程结合在一起. 这种创新的方法不仅为学生的直接教育目标做好准备,而且为终身学习和职业成功奠定了坚实的基础.

认可的课程和与领先教育机构的合作伙伴关系确保BASA毕业生为未来皇冠官方网站APP的挑战做好充分准备, making Barrow County a beacon for educational excellence in Georgia.


Barrow County School System, in collaboration with Lanier Technical College, spearheads an innovative approach to education, aiming to enhance the skill sets of graduates entering the workforce. Located next to Lanier Technical College’s Barrow campus, the Sims Academy is a beacon of workforce development, creating pathways for students into high-demand industries such as robotics, culinary arts, broadcast video, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

这种伙伴关系强调双重招生和希姆斯学院学生的希望奖学金机会, enabling those in the 11th or 12th grade, and at least 16 years old, to earn both high school and technical college credits. By completing dual enrollment courses at Lanier Technical College in Winder, 学生不仅获得了先进的知识,而且在就业市场上具有竞争优势.

皇冠官方网站APP县学校系统和拉尼尔技术学院的合作, featuring specialized programs at Sims Academy, 展示了皇冠官方网站APP县的承诺,准备学生在快速增长的领域成功的职业生涯. This educational synergy is a key driver in developing a skilled, workforce-ready generation, 将皇冠官方网站APP县定位为佐治亚州教育和皇冠官方网站APP发展的领导者.

Tier 1 Research Universities near Barrow

The University of Georgia is the state’s second-largest and flagship higher education institution, with more than 33,000 students. 它的15个学院包括兽医和农业学院以及新兴的环境和生物科学系. UGA's Office of Research, known as the Innovation Gateway (原佐治亚大学的技术商业化办公室和佐治亚生物商业中心)促进技术从佐治亚大学转移到商业企业,并提供一个创业孵化器,提供20,000 square feet of office and wet-lab space. Since 1974, 利用佐治亚大学转让的技术建立了130多家公司, the majority of which are bioscience.

Georgia Institute of Technology
One of the nation’s top research universities, Georgia Tech provides more than 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students with a focused, technology-based education. The Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute helps companies, entrepreneurs, economic developers, and communities improve their competitiveness through the application of science, technology, and innovation. The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) is the nonprofit applied research arm of Georgia Tech, with approximately 1,200名员工每年为200多个工业和政府客户执行或支持超过1亿美元的研究.

Emory University
Emory is recognized as one of the nation's leading research universities. 我们与许多邻近组织保持着合作伙伴关系,例如美国.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Georgia State University (GSU)
With more than 50,000 graduate and undergraduate students in six colleges, Georgia State is the largest research university in the state. GSU’s Technology Commercialization and Industry Relations Program 鼓励和协助佐治亚州立大学教师开发和保护知识产权, staff, and students. GSU’s CollabTech Biotechnology Development Center GSU和生物技术产业之间的伙伴关系是否促进了学术教师和工业科学家之间的合作. CollabTech has 8,000 square feet of office and wet-lab space, providing space and facilities for biotech startup companies.

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